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The Fourth Time
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Hi there!!

Welcome! / Welkom! / Willkommen! / Bonvenon! / Üdvözöljük!

(I should really stop with all of those languages...)


Hey there, I'm Benjamin (or Benji for short). I'm a 16-year-old French guy that has a lot of imagination but that keeps procrastinating a lot. I used to create 3D animations based on the Splatoon universe, a game released by Nintendo in 2015. Let's say I animated in 2017 and shortly in 2019... but to be honest, I have moved on. Nowadays, I also make music stuff with Ableton Live, and I enjoy playing games as well.

You may know me as BenjiFridgy or BenjiWoomy. (Well, I have got so many names since 2016...)


I hope you'll enjoy your stay here! Take your time to explore this place. :D

What's in here?

I have created this small website to show and share all the stuff I made. That includes my animations (Made with Source Filmmaker), my songs (Made with Ableton Live), (formerly) my Minecraft server, some pictures made with SFM, and so on. So yeah, without further-a-do, I'll let you discover this place. Don't get lost!


This website is mostly some kind of archive, I'm not really active on the Internet any more.


Click here to take a look at my SFM animations!

Click here to discover my Minecraft server! (Note: it's closed now.)

Click here to listen to some of my songs!

  • youtube
  • Second channel
  • Discord server
  • Twitter
  • Steam page
  • DeviantArt

©2018-2020 by BenjiFridgy. (Created with but SHUUUSH don't tell anyone)

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