Through Love's Deepest Dangers
Yeah... love again. Why would I even make a whole album about Love when I don't like songs that talk about that subject in general anyway?
Here's the answer: these songs aren't supposed to tell you how much I worship someone on this planet. What would be the point? No, these songs act like statues. From my childhood (I'm young) to the present and even the future (LYMS), each one of these songs freezes a little instant of real life and translates it into notes and chords.
Making this album was a very interesting adventure. It took me one entire year to make (Let's not forget that I'm a lazy boi). All these songs carry a small message with them: they hold emotions, feelings and they tell you a story. How a friendship begins. How painful a dream can be. How many things you can learn from your own mistakes. And so on...
The album itself might be very personal, but what it is supposed to represent may also concern all of you.
Also, a small update from 2020: I think the songs themselves don't sound that bad. However, there are two things I failed for sure: the title and the cover of the album. They just sound and look too personal!
I'll let you interpret each song as you like. Have fun, there are so many possibilities! The songs are in chronological order... from my childhood to the present. If you want some help with the interpretations, you can download the extra folder I made for TLDD and take a look at the song covers - it's linked down there.
TLDD is free to download.
Here's the Google Drive folder.
I have also decided to make a little special folder of the album which contains scores, instrumental versions, drafts, song covers, etc. You can get it here.