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[SFM] Windows Woomy, the new Splatcrosoft Revolution

[SFM] Windows Woomy, the new Splatcrosoft Revolution

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Windows Woomy

"The new Splatcrosoft revolution"

Wow, Windows Woomy. That sh!t is old. It was honestly just a stupid idea I had in mind, but I think this video kinda became popular on my channel. Windows Woomy is basically a video in which I present the last Windows OS: Windows Woomy. Obviously, to make it more fun, I added tons of jokes and a little bit of non-sense to try to make the watchers laugh a little bit. People started to ask me where they could download it whereas it was 100% fake! That was funny honestly.

Windows Woomy is also the video on which I used the song lemons for the first time. It now became a meme on my channel!

Have a public release of HungrySquiddy made by Millie here!

You can download a free wallpaper of Windows Woomy here.

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