Latest version: 1.0
MC version: 1.12
Year of release: 2018
Type: Fun, speed, attack, PvP, short game
Player capacity: 15 players (No teams)
PitchOut is a pretty popular and fun minigame. Not to be confused with Spleef, in PitchOut you must throw your enemies away using strong knockback spoo- shovels and bows. When they fall in water, they lose a life. You have 5 lives in total, so if you fall in water five times, you lose!
The last player to stand wins!
About the minigame...
RULES: There are no teams here! You must throw your enemies in the water to make them lose lives! Each player has 5 lives and you too! If you lose all of your lives, the game's over and you're spectating!
To throw your enemies away, you can use your shovel or your bow. It's up to you! The arena is made of ice so it gets hard to stay in place!

RANDOM ITEMS: Some random items may sometimes spawn on the ground, such as:
Basic arrows, to make your bow work of course
Spectral arrows to keep track of your enemies!
Enderpearls to teleport yourself!
Explosive grenades...!
Special eggs that trigger random events!
Items emit green particles so that you can't miss'em! Special eggs also emit fireworks!

Random events: You heard it, this game also has random events - either bonuses or penalties. To trigger a random event, you much get a special egg on the ground and throw it in the air, and the upcoming event will randomly be selected...
Magic Healing: Two randomly selected players shall receive an extra life (Unless they already have 5!)
Invisible Water: One randomly selected player will lose a life!
ACHTUNG, GRENADES: You will all receive 3 grenades that instantly explode when they hit the ground!
Incredible Twins: Two randomly selected players will be struck by lightning and get completely immune to knockback for 30 seconds!
Make it Clean: Each item on the ground will disappear and your inventory will be completely cleared!