Ahhh, omeD. My first album. "omeD" in reverse makes "Demo", since this test album was created while I was still using the demo version of Ableton Live. I ended up with this little album that is about 20 minutes long. I was pretty inspired back then, and I was only discovering how to use Ableton.
I was only discovering how to make songs so please don't blame my level in there, haha.
omeD has 8 tracks, and each one of them has a story or a meaning. For example, "test" is the very first song I made using Ableton, whereas "Мы Русские" is just a remix of two popular Russian (or Soviet) songs that you may know. "crap" was made when a friend of mine asked me to create a song with the sound of his CPU. It went weird honestly, but the song itself is not that bad after all. I like the drums in there. "married waltz" is some kind of mix between some original themes I created and a Team Fortress 2 song, "Misfortune Teller". "secret sax" was inspired by a song that Kevin MacLeod made, called "Mystery Sax".
This album is free to download. Don't worry, it's mp3 320.