Why would I make songs?
The answer is pretty simple. First of all, I wanted to try something new, like a new hobby. And since I've been learning music theory and playing the trumpet for a while now, I wanted to finally try to create songs on my own. As I kinda wanted to be a black sheep and not use FL Studio, I followed my favourite artist's (C418) example: using Ableton Live. Honestly, I don't regret buying this software. I still kinda suck at making songs on my own, but some songs I made are honestly fine.
The second reason why I wanted to create songs on my own is because I wanted to add my own musics to my animations on YouTube. I didn't use many of my songs yet, but just a few of them.

What's Ableton Live?
Hey, I'm not here to promote anything honestly. But for those who are wondering, Ableton Live is the software I use to create my songs. It's a pretty cool and fast software, the interface is pretty clear and there are lots of sample instruments available already.
I would say it's the main rival of FL Studio, actually.
Just a heads up though! Ableton Live is NOT a free software, sot hat obviously means that I bought it to finally freely make my own songs. (I bought Live Intro at my side.)
Here's a link to the official Ableton website if you want to check it out (You can just listen to some songs there also): https://www.ableton.com/